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Welcome to BHMS - Reach for the Heights

outside photo of Broomfield Heights

Welcome to BHMS - Reach for the Heights

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staff participating in training

In early August, before the school year started, the leadership and recess teams at 16 Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) elementary schools opted-in to participate in a comprehensive two-day Recess Implementation training provided by Playworks. The goal of the training is to create playgrounds where safe and healthy play is accessible for everyone.

Read more about BVSD conducted summer recess training to address playground bullying and create more inclusive and safe play
Zero fare image

The RTD’s Zero Fare for Youth pilot program is now a permanent fare change. This means that anyone 19 and under can ride the RTD system for free on all RTD services, including buses and trains. RTD will be making its fall service adjustments on September 29th. Several of the most popular RTD routes for BVSD students will see an increase in frequency, including the 204, 225, Dash, Jump, and Skip routes.

Read more about RTD Zero Fare for Youth continues! Service increases coming September 29th

 Make a report of bullying online here or by using a paper form in your school office.

Report Form